Frequently Asked Questions
For Advertisers
We welcome advertisements from law firms, organisations, government agencies, universities, bar associations etc. Local and overseas advertisers are welcome. The positions posted must be related to the legal industry.
You need to register for an account on behalf of your company and be logged into your account before you can post an ad. To register for an account, click the red “Register” button at the top right corner of the homepage. Select “Recruiter” and complete the details. For recruiters who are practitioner members of the Law Society, please note that your login ID and password to the Law Society corporate website cannot be used for the Careers portal as the two are not interchangeable. You need to use a separate user login ID and password of your own choosing.
You will receive an e-mail from us when your account is approved. You can then proceed to put up a job ad. To put up an ad, click on “Post Job Ad” on the homepage menu bar and complete the form and follow the steps. The advertising rates are listed there as well.
Click here to view the advertising rates. Advertising in the Practice Training Contracts is free of fees as this is a special service for law firms and practice trainees.
Each advertisement will run for 2 weeks. You may renew the advertisement before the expiration date.
Featured Ads are boxed up job advertisements and they are placed prominently on the homepage of the Careers Portal. This gives your advertisement greater visibility. The advertiser is also able to add company logo within the box. Featured Ads are limited in number, with only up to 3 advertisements featured at any one time. Click here for advertising rates.
You may edit the advertisement that you have submitted as long as it has not been posted yet. You can do so via your account. Should you need to make minor changes such as correction of a typo after the advertisement is posted, please email publications@lawsoc.org.sg
You may terminate your account at anytime by logging in to your account. You may also set up a new account at any time, even after the first account is terminated. Inactive accounts will be terminated after one year of inactivity.
For Job Seekers/Job Applicants
It is not compulsory to set up an account. You do not require an account or be logged in if you simply wish to view the job listings and advertisements or if you wish to write in separately to the advertiser to apply for a job. However, if you wish to set filters, upload your CV or apply for jobs directly via the Careers Portal, you will then need an account.
Legal and legal related positions. These include partners, associates, legal managers, in-house counsel, counsel, legal secretaries, locums, interns, practice trainees, relevant legal training. Depending on the requirements of the employer, we also list by part-time, permanent and temporary positions. Occasionally, the Law Society of Singapore may also be hiring and you can see our openings under the “Law Society Careers” tab.
If you have an account and wish to apply to the advertiser via the Careers Portal, you may do so by clicking on the “Apply Now” button in the job advertisement. However, if you do not have an account and do not wish to set up an account, you can write separately to the advertiser to apply for the position, using the contact details given by the advertiser.
There are no charges for using the Careers Portal as a job seeker or job applicant.
You may do a search by job position or law firm/company name by using the search box. You may also search by using filters. You may filter by job type, job category, location, region or organisation type.
Yes, you may do so by logging into your account and going to your profile page.
You may terminate your account at any time by logging into your account. You may also set up a new account at any time, even after the first account is terminated. Inactive accounts will be terminated after one year of inactivity.